Weddings: When DIY Morphs into DYI
Do-It-Yourself projects are a great way to personalize a wedding or any celebration. To rephrase a famous quotation. "The path to stress is paved with good intentions!" I am an obsessed DIY person who hates to relinquish any project that I could just do on my own. No kidding! That ranges from painting the house to getting someone to help me with all the things I never can find time to get around to doing in my business and at home. So I understand the DIY mentality or creativity bug.
DIY sounds so enticing primarily because I hear "ka-ching!" only in the direction of me saving money! That's my first gut feeling anyway! Are you like me when you are in the middle of a DIY project and you begin to think, "What did I get myself into?" Sometimes we are better off to just admit defeat! Get out while you are ahead or stop before going deeper into the hole.
That is the point that DIY becomes DYI. The acknowledgement of the transition from Do-It-Yourself to "Do-Yourself-In". It's when you realize you:
~Bit off more than you could chew.
~Went in over your head.
~Didn't say no to one more idea or project.
~Looked at one too many Martha Stewart magazines.
~Pretended once again to be Superwoman!
What is the cure?
I think it is when we truly realize that time is money! Realize that we have enough stress and we deserve to give ourselves a break from doing all things, being all things to all people and just........ r e l a x!
The same goes for planning a wedding. As a Wedding Planner I don't offer a product, I offer a feeling or peace of mind! I hear these statements all the time!
~"I'm so relieved!"
~"I'm so glad you know what to ask!"
~"Thank you for saving me so much time!"
~"Thank you for saving me so much money compared to what you cost!"
~"More people should hire a Wedding Planner!"
~"I didn't worry about anything on the wedding day!"
Greatest of Days has ways to help couples plan their weddings with so many programs you never even thought of!
It boils down to this. If you are not nice to yourself, who will be? When I first heard that I found it really disturbing.
Give yourself a break. Only take on what you love to do. There is such a thing as money well-spent!